Science Keywords

PSLE Answering Technique Workshop in June

Master the right answering techniques required for answering the PSLE Science open-ended questions. This workshop will help students acquire essential process skills and avoid losing marks due to writing incomplete or non-specific answers in the open-ended questions.

Science Heuristics
Science Heuristics

June / November Workshops For P3 To P5

Fun Enrichment Workshops

Let your child have fun during the holidays while acquiring essential science process skills required in the science syllabus. Students will conduct various fun-filled inquiry-based experiments and learn skills like forming a hypothesis and conducting a controlled experiment.
Some of the topics / experiments include:
∗ Science of crystals
∗ Science of chocolates
∗ Create ‘fireworks’ in a lab
∗ DNA extraction with various plant matter
∗ ‘Live’ bacteria cultivation
∗ Forensic Science Techniques and many more

Science Heuristics
Science Heuristics

2024 School Term - Pri 3 to Pri 5

Semester 1
Term 1 – Tuesday 2nd Jan to Saturday 9th March (9 weeks. No lesson during CNY week from 10th Feb to 14th Feb)
Term 2 – Tuesday 18th March to Saturday 1st Jun (11 weeks)
Semester 2
Term 3 – Tuesday 25th Jun to Saturday 31st Aug (10 weeks)
Term 4 – Tue 10th Sep to Saturday 7th Dec (13 weeks)
*P6 Classes will tentatively end in the second week of Sep.

Science Heuristics
Science Heuristics